Key things to know about the DataCave app

About DataCave

“Instant Recall”

It is really simple – deliberately so. DataCave allows you to very quickly access all those highly confidential pieces of information that you are always needing to look up. Passwords, PIN’s, account numbers, sign-in ID’s, credit card numbers, passport details, combinations, etc. With DataCave this information is available to you immediately and securely on any of your registered devices. We estimate that you will usually be able to find what you are looking for within a few seconds. It is a very simple and secure process.
“DataCave Password Recovery Assistance”

You can also provide password recovery assistance to other specific DataCave Users who forget their DataCave Passwords and who cannot therefore access their DataCave data. By utilising the CaveBuddy facilities available to you, you can set up specific up CaveBuddy support relationships. Your CaveBuddies can in turn support you when you need to recover your DataCave password.

“Dependent DataCave User Support”

The CaveBuddy facility has proved particularly useful for supporting more dependent younger, and older individuals who find password management particularly challenging. In these cases the parents, other relatives, close friends, guardians or carers can be nominated as their CaveBuddies.

“Password Inheritance - Coming Soon”

In the modern internet world, when a person is incapacitated or deceased, their loved ones have great difficulty in sorting out a person’s affairs. This is because they cannot get access to an individual’s electronic accounts and records as they are all password protected. DataCave will solve this problem by providing an (optional) “CaveTrustee” (Password Inheritance) facility to help you to help your loved ones in their time of distress and need.
Let’s put it another way.

How do you record and keep all of this highly confidential information now?
Is it safe and secure?
Can you access your data anywhere at any time?

DataCave lets users keep their app synchronised across all registered devices at all times.
Time to say goodbye to that “Little Black Book”, electronic notes, password protected documents, spreadsheets, sticky notes, scrappy pieces of paper, etc.
DataCave’s Key features are:

- View records in seconds
- Add, Edit or Delete records
- Sort and categorise records
- Create record templates
- Clone record templates
- Add, Edit or Delete categories
- Backup and Restore records
- Export records
- Password Recovery (CaveBuddy)
- Password Inheritance (CaveTrustee) - Coming Soon -
- Multiple devices supported
- Device synchronisation
- Bespoke Security settings
- Bespoke Notifications settings
- Refer a Friend
- Feedback facilities
- Dark Mode support
- Take a Tour - Guest Mode (Try before you Signup)
- Works on and off-line
DataCave was conceived by a guy called Steve Castle. He was frustrated by the fact that there were no simple to use cheap password apps available. Password apps that were available were hard to use, intimidating, too complicated, did not always work and/or were expensive if one wanted full capability. So, he started to design and build DataCave for himself (“To replace his little black book”), and it soon took on a life of its own!

He loved it so much that he decided to share it with his family, friends and colleagues. They loved it so much that he decided to make it more widely available. Along the way DataCave got better and better!

DataCave app has no in-app adverts and there is no personal data tracking. It has been built along ‘Privacy by Design’ principles and it is impossible for DataCave to ever access or see the data that you are holding within the app.
DataCave employs the most modern and secure security processes and standards available, including:

(i) Best of breed security practices and encryption – including AES-256 for encrypting your records, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 key derivation and strengthening, and asymmetric encryption for shared secrets.
(ii) Data encrypted at all times – with the encryption key only known by you.
(iii) Zero knowledge protocols - DataCave cannot ever see or access any of your Confidential Information. It is built that way.
(iv) Your Confidential Information is only held on your own personal devices and storage media - controlled by you.
(v) Your backup data is only stored in your own personal cloud provider storage accounts – these are not accessible by DataCave.
(vi) Syncing data (if enabled) across your registered devices is handled via your personal cloud platform associated with your device (i.e. Apple iCloud or Google Drive) – the data is encrypted and not accessible by DataCave.
(vii) DataCave was built along “Privacy by Design’ principles.
In addition to the security system and standards noted above, here is some verifiable information which should help to reassure you:

(i) Tribal Data Limited (trading as DataCave) and Steve Castle are founding members of MyDataGlobal (https://mydata.org) - an international organisation aimed at standing up for individuals’ personal data rights and internet privacy.
(ii) Tribal Data Limited (trading as DataCave) and Steve Castle are signatories to the My Data Declaration. (https://mydata.org/participate/declaration/). This declaration supports the idea that personal data and internet privacy are a human right of the individual.
(iii) The DataCave App has been built using zero knowledge protocols – this means that the only personal data that DataCave has is your email address, your chosen username and your chosen device name.
(iv) The use of zero knowledge protocols is one of the reasons that DataCave cannot help you to reset your password if you lose it. DataCave does not know enough information about you to even validate who you are and so cannot reset your password for you.
(v) A number of the more expensive and well known password manager brands store your personal data in their own corporate cloud storage along with everyone else’s data. This creates a data honey pot for Internet hackers who target concentrations of personal data. Indeed, some of these password managers have been hacked. DataCave does not do this. There is no centralised database. All your data resides on your own individual personal devices.
(vi) DataCave runs a private Telegram account (which we encourage all DataCave users to join) to facilitate a discussion forum for all DataCave users to have their say about DataCave.
(vii) DataCave also runs a DataCave Facebook page for Facebook users.
It is intended that the DataCave app will always be a low cost app available to everyone. There was a cost incurred in building the app, plus there are also ongoing running costs, so it was felt that a small annual fee (after a suitable free trial period) was the most appropriate solution to ensure the continued long term availability of DataCave to everyone. DataCave does not offer a higher cost premium version, neither does it have any in-app advertising, nor does it capture and sell any of your personal data, so the low annual subscription is the only source of revenue available to it in order to cover its costs. This is, in our view, the most honest and straight forward way of providing the DataCave service.

The intention is to always keep the DataCave subscription low, there will be no large unexpected price increases once a user has signed up.
As stated above the intention is that DataCave will always be a low cost self-financing subscription app. However, DataCave is also part of a much larger ambition. DataCave was created by people who are passionate about “Personal Data Security” and “Internet Privacy”. We want to spread awareness about how important an individual’s personal data is, and to start to create a community of individuals who care about the issue. At DataCave, our ultimate goal is to help the individual to take back control of their own personal data and to derive value from it. We are developing other apps and platforms in order to achieve this. Members of the DataCave user community will be the first people to be offered these other apps when they become available. This will be a Win/Win outcome for both DataCave and its members.
We hope that everyone will use it, love it and tell their friends about it. We hope that it will become a very popular app. As long as we get a lot of users and continued support then we will keep it going. So, if you love the DataCave app, please spread the word. There is a ‘Refer a Friend’ facility within the app.
(i) The DataCave app is owned by Tribal Data Limited, which is a company registered in the UK and subject to, and fully compliant with UK laws and regulations (including data protection laws).
(ii) The founder of Tribal Data Limited and DataCave is Steve Castle. He is a UK citizen and retired board director who has had a 35-year career in financial services running regulated companies.
(iii) Steve Castle was, until he retired, an FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) approved person. This means that he was approved to carry out specific controlled functions within major regulated financial services companies. These included Direct Line Insurance, Churchill Insurance, Liverpool Victoria (LV=) General Insurance. He was the Finance Director at all of these companies.
His details can be found on The Financial Services Register under his full name Stephen Victor Castle (Ref #SVC01002) - view his History Section (https://register.fca.org.uk).
(iv) A comprehensive profile of Steve Castle can be reviewed on LinkedIn This component is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license reproduced above.
(v) Steve is active in the Personal Data and Internet Privacy space and is passionate about helping individuals to take back control of their personal data and to start to derive value from it.
Click on this link to view the full list of Third Party Licences and Packages which have been integrated with the DataCave app.

How do I use DataCave? (Routine - day to day activities)

Download the DataCave fron your preferred Apple or Google app store.
Select the DataCave tile.
Tap on Sign Up.
Enter your user email.
Read and accept the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Enter the One Time Passcode (OTP) that has been sent to your email to verify.
Enter a Master Password, tap the > button.
Re-enter the Master Password, tap the > button.
Set a PIN Code, tap the > button.
Re-enter the PIN Code, tap the > button.
Choose and enter your username.
Activate biometric access (optional).
Hint: It is quicker to access your data if you activate biometric access.
Tap the > button.
Sign Up is then complete.
Your DataCave password should not be easily guessable and should meet the following requirements:
  • Be at least 10 characters in length and a maximum of 20 characters
  • Contain at least 1 digit
  • Contain at least 1 lowercase character
  • Contain at least 1 uppercase character
  • Contain at least 1 special character

The application doesn’t store or use your DataCave master password directly. It uses your master password to create a stronger encryption key - using PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 key derivation.
Select the DataCave tile.
Tap on Unlock DataCave.
Gain access using either biometrics or your PIN.
You will be taken directly to the Your Records page.
Go to the Settings page and select Lock DataCave or you can tap on the red padlock icon on either the Records or Settings pages. Close the DataCave app.

Note: If you leave the DataCave app, it will automatically lock after a period of time. The app will also lock after a period of inactivity. You can set the Lock Out and Inactivity Period durations in Settings > Security.
Go to the Your Records page.
Tap the + Link (top right).
You will arrive on the Add Record page.
Some commonly used fields have already been provided.
All fields are optional, only complete the fields you require.
All field headings can be edited by clicking on them.

You can add any additional fields that you need in two ways:
(i) Default Field List: Select from an extensive list of pre-loaded common headings.
(ii) Add Custom Field: Create your own new headings as required.

All records must have a Record Name and be assigned to at least one category. You can re-order your record fields by dragging them up or down.
Tapping the heart icon allows you to add or remove the Record from your Favourites.
If you want to select a field as a credential for the Password AutoFill facility to operate (on a website or app), tap on the 'Key' icon next to that field.
Finish adding your record and tap Save.
Unused fields will be automatically removed when you save the record.

Note: You do not need to select the Password field as an AutoFill field. Your DataCave app will automatically autofill that field value. You cannot select the Web Address (URL) field as an AutoFill field.

Template Cloning: Any existing record template can be cloned if you want to add other similar records.
This can be done by:
(i) Left swiping the record on the main Your Records page, or
(ii) By selecting the individual record and tapping the Clone Template button at the bottom of the screen.
There are two Edit options:

(i) Go to the Your Records page Locate the relevant record.
Swipe the record line to the left. Tap Edit.
Edit the relevant fields descriptions and field content as appropriate.
If you want to select a field to autofill on a website or app, tap on the 'Key' icon.
When finished, tap Save.

(ii) Go to the Your Records page.
Tap the relevant record.
On Record page, tap Edit.
Edit the relevant fields descriptions and field content as appropriate.
If you want to select a field to autofill on a website or app, tap on the 'Key' icon.
When finished, tap Save.

Note: When editing an existing record, a 'Key' icon will appear against those fields you have already selected to be used to AutoFill the log in field on the website or app. You do not need to select the Password field as DataCave will automatically use the Password field to autofill your password. You cannot select the Web Address (URL) field as an AutoFill field.
There are two Delete options:

(i) Go to the Your Records page.
Locate the relevant record.
Swipe the record line to the left.
Tap Delete.

(ii) Go to Your Records page.
Tap the desired record.
On Record page, tap Delete.
Go to the Your Records page.
Start typing the name of your target record in the Search field.
Select the record from the prompted pick list of records below the Search field.
The list of records can be displayed in “alphabetical” or “date last accessed” order.
The selected record will be displayed.
You can narrow the options at the start of the search activity by selecting a specific category from the scroll bar at the top of the page if desired.
A lot of DataCave users are happy to just copy and paste passwords into websites and apps when needed. A lot of users find Password AutoFill facilities inconsistent and annoying. (It is not the DataCave app, it is the individual websites and apps). However, there is a Password AutoFill facility within your iOS device. This can be activated for DataCave if you would like the option of using DataCave to auto-fill passwords if they are held within the DataCave app.

To activate AutoFill:
Go to your iOS device Settings.
Select Passwords & Accounts.
Select AutoFill Passwords.
Tick the DataCave option. (Ideally switch off other options if you want to use DataCave as your primary Autofill facility).
When you Add a new Record or Edit an existing Record, you will see a 'Key' icon next to each field (except for Password and Web Address URL). If you tap on this icon, the field will be used as one (or more) of your AutoFill credentials to log in for that record.

You can select up to three fields, such as email, Username or User ID, as credentials. If the website or app requires credentials such as a Membership ID or an Account ID, you can select these record fields as credentials to AutoFill too. Some websites or apps require you to enter more than just your email address to log in, which is why we provide this option.

You do not need to select the Password field as an AutoFill field. Your DataCave app will automatically autofill that field value.

Note: When editing an existing record, a 'Key' icon will appear against those fields you have already selected to be used to AutoFill the log in field on the website or app. You cannot select the Web Address (URL) field as an AutoFill field.
DataCave can be used to autofill passwords into any websites or apps that you want to access on your mobile devices. (It cannot currently be used for AutoFilling passwords on desktop and laptop devices).

First you will need to have activated AutoFill Passwords in your device Settings (see above).

When you are on a Sign In page (on a web page or in an app) proceed as follows:

There will always be a 'credentials' field that needs to be completed to validate your identity, before your password is requested.
Place cursor in the credentials field. The credential requested will normally be an email, Username or UserID field, although sometimes it is something different.
You will be asked if you want to log in using DataCave and you will be asked if you want to use a suggested field from your Record. (There may be more than one credential field shown for you to select from).
If the choice(s) offered does not match the credential you need, you can view and select from other field options by tapping on the 'Key' icon.
Tap on the credential field you want to log in with.
You will then be asked by DataCave to authenticate yourself (using your biometrics or your PIN).
Then you will be returned to your log in page with your credentials, including your password, pre-populated.

Note: Autofill can only work for a record if you have recorded a certain level of minimal required information in DataCave. DataCave needs to hold need at least one piece of information (i.e. credential) which will be requested by the relevant website or app. This is usually (i) Email address, (ii) User Name, or (iii) User ID, but it maybe something else (such as a Member ID or Account number). DataCave also needs to hold the relevant Password for that record. If you will want to access the website directly from the DataCave app you will also need to store the correct website address (URL) in your DataCave record.

Once you have determined what specific credentials are required for a particular website or app you can flag them to the AutoFill facility by tapping the ‘Key’ on the Record Page (in Edit Mode). This will make the AutoFill process more effective.

Once you have set up the record and saved it, it is worth checking that your AutoFill facility works for that record, before you need it. This will confirm that you have entered all of the correct credentials required by that particular website or app. Please note that not all websites or apps allow the AutoFill facility to operate. In these cases you can use Copy & Paste as an alternative approach.

As stated above some DataCave users prefer to simply use the “Copy & Paste” facility in the DataCave app rather than use AutoFill. It can be just as quick and simpler to use.
Go to the Settings page.

Select Back Up & Restore.

On Back Up page, select the Back Up icon.
Press the Authenticate button and use your biometrics or your PIN.
Then select your preferred back up location. Your data will be encrypted and backed up to a location of your choice and under your full control.

We currently support the following backup locations:
- Apple iCloud Drive
- Microsoft OneDrive
- Google Drive
- Dropbox

As the backup files are stored within your own cloud storage provider account, DataCave does not have access to these files.

Also, the backup files are encrypted using AES-256 encryption - using an encryption key derived from the “DataCave Master Password” which existed at the time the backup was created, that only you know. You will need to provide this DataCave Master Password when you want to restore the backup.

Old DataCave backups can be deleted within the app or directly from within your cloud storage provider account.

NB: There is also the option of taking a hard copy Backup by exporting your records as a PDF or a CSV file and then printing them. This is at the discretion of the User. Any hard copies created should be kept in a safe and secure location.
Go to the Settings page.

Select Back Up & Restore.

On the Back Up & Restore page, select the Restore option. You will then be authenticated (using your biometrics or your PIN).On the next page, select the location of your backup file. Your DataCave backup files (at the selected location) will be listed.

Select the backup file that you wish to restore from, and click the Restore button. Enter the DataCave Master Password which existed at the time the backup was originally created.

Restore can only be initiated with the password used when the backup was originally created. (It is for this reason that if you ever change your DataCave “Master Password” you are prompted to immediately perform a new backup so that you do not need to remember your old DataCave password).

Note: Restoring will delete and replace any data which previously resided on your DataCave app.
Go to the Settings page.

Select Export.
On the Export page, Select All (top right) if you want to export all records. Or use the Categories and Pick List, to export a selection of records. When the selection process is finished, click on Export Data.
You will then have an option to Export as either a CSV or PDF.
PDF files can be password protected (optional).

Please keep all exported files in a safe and secure location. DataCave cannot protect and is not responsible for any data which is Exported from the DataCave app.
If you download the DataCave app onto a new device which uses the same Apple ID, and sign up using your existing DataCave email address and password, then the new device will automatically be added to your existing DataCave account as a “Secondary Device”.

Note: During registration you will be asked to validate your new device using a One Time Passcode (OTP) which is displayed on your existing DataCave app on your primary registered device. Alternatively, you may choose to receive the OTP code by having it sent to your verified email address. This is for your security and protection.

Note: You should set up your new DataCave app using the same PIN as you have for your other DataCave devices, otherwise you will need to remember multiple PIN’s for your DataCave account.

The DataCave app on the new device can then be synchronised with your other devices by backing up your records on the primary device and restoring your records onto the new secondary device through Backup & Restore in Settings. In the future, the new Auto-Sync feature will automate this process.
If you have the DataCave app installed on multiple devices, you can delete a device from any one of your other devices. This will delete your DataCave app and data that is held on your selected device. The DataCave app tile will remain, but it will be unregistered and will not contain any data.

Go to the Settings page.<>elerct Devices.
On the Devices page, select the device and click on the Delete icon.
Confirm the deletion.
You can synchronise the records on your DataCave devices manually using the Backup & Restore facility in the app Settings.

First, open the DataCave app on your primary device and then Go to the Settings page.
Select Backup in Backup & Restore.
Backup your files to your preferred storage service.
Then on your secondary device(s), you can then restore the files from the same storage service.
Please note that you must use the same account on your storage service for this to work.

COMING SOON - In the near future we will be releasing Auto Sync for iOS devices! Auto Sync will automatically keep your records up-to-date and synchronised across all your registered devices at all times.
A CaveBuddy is someone nominated by you, who can help you recover your DataCave Master Password if you forget it.

The CaveBuddy system is based upon absolute trust so you need to choose your CaveBuddies carefully.

NOTE: Your CaveBuddies NEVER see your password, they simply help you to recover it for yourself.
Note: It is impossible for you to recover your (forgotten) DataCave password if you do not have any active CaveBuddies. Without your DataCave password you will be permanently locked out of your DataCave app and you will not be able to access its contents.

It is therefore strongly recommended that you set up as many CaveBuddies as you can (maximum ten) to ensure that you do not accidentally lose your password recovery capability if one (or more) of your CaveBuddies become inactive or unavailable. This can happen if they delete their DataCave Account, or change their Primary Device, or forget their own DataCave password, etc.

The CaveBuddy system is based upon absolute trust so you need to choose your CaveBuddies carefully. A CaveBuddy cannot also be a CaveTrustee.

NOTE: Your CaveBuddies NEVER see your password, they simply help you to recover it for yourself.

Setting up a CaveBuddy:

First decide who your trusted CaveBuddy will be (usually close trusted friends, relatives or colleagues). Then discuss DataCave and the CaveBuddies facility with them and get their agreement to be your CaveBuddy. Your prospective CaveBuddy needs to download the DataCave app (which they can of course also use for their own purposes as well). Then, within your DataCave app, you formally request them to be your CaveBuddy, and within their DataCave app, they formally accept.

The detailed procedure is detailed below:

Go to the Settings page.
Select CaveBuddies.
On the CaveBuddies page, select Add CaveBuddy.
Enter your prospective CaveBuddy’s email address and send the invitation.
Your CaveBuddy will be shown as “Pending” until your CaveBuddy accepts the invitation. You will receive an in-app notification when your invitation has been accepted.
Once you have acknowledged the acceptance, then your CaveBuddy will be shown as “Active”.

Asymmetric encryption is used to store shared keys that, (with you) working in tandem with a CaveBuddy, can be used to help recover the Master Password stored on your device.
The CaveTrustee facility is not yet available. It will be soon - watch this space!

Setting up the CaveTrustees facility will be totally optional. It is a personal decision for each user.

The CaveTrustee facility will allow your legal beneficiaries (usually the people you care about) and your executors to access the information within your DataCave app if you are deceased or incapacitated (i.e. Password Inheritance). It will also allow you to store important information and messages that you would like to pass on.
Go to the Settings page.

Select Feedback.
On the Feedback page, select what type of feedback you wish to give:
(i) General
(ii) Suggestions; or
(iii) Issues.

DataCave also has a Telegram account which all DataCave members are encouraged to join. DataCave also has a Facebook account for Facebook members to use.

How do I use DataCave? (Non-Routine - Exceptional Activities)

There are two situations:
(i) If you already have devices with the DataCave app that are registered to your DataCave account, then just follow the instructions on “How do I add an additional device?”.
The new device will be added as a “Secondary Device”. Once you have added the new device you can then choose to make it your “Primary Device” if desired. To do this follow the instructions on “How do I change my Primary Device?”.

(ii) If you have an existing DataCave Account (where you have backed up the data) but you do not currently have any devices with the DataCave app that are registered to your DataCave account, then simply download and install the DataCave app and login with your existing DataCave credentials.
If you register with the same account details as your existing DataCave account (email address, password, etc.) then the DataCave app will recognise this and you will be allowed into your existing DataCave account on your new device. You can then restore your backed-up data using the Restore function in Settings.
Go to the Settings page.

Select Security.
Tap on Change Password.
Confirm "Are you sure?".
Enter your current password.
Enter your new password twice.

Note: Your existing DataCave backups can only be restored using your old password. You will now have a new DataCave password. In order to protect you and your data you will be required to take a new Backup using your new Password as part of this process.
Go to the Settings page.
Select Account.
Tap on your email address.
This will take you to the Change Email page. Edit your email address as required.
Tap the green arrow button.

A One Time Passcode (OTP) will be sent to your new email address.
Enter the OTP and your new email will be registered on your DataCave account.
When you have more than one device registered on your DataCave account, one of your devices needs to be the “Primary Device”. The default assumption is that this is normally the first device that you have registered on DataCave. The DataCave app on the “Primary Device” has more functionality than the DataCave app on the secondary devices. For instance, you can only set up and manage CaveBuddies and CaveTrustees on the “Primary Device”.

If you wish to change your “Primary Device”, this can be done as follows.
Enter the DataCave app on the device that you wish to become your “Primary Device”.
Go to Settings.
Select DataCave Devices.
Tap on “Make this device primary”.
Note: Changing your Primary Device is a big decision. If you change your Primary Device, you will need to set up ALL of your CaveTrustee and CaveBuddy facilities again. In addition, anyone for whom you are acting as a CaveBuddy or CaveTrustee will also need to re-invite you to become their CaveBuddies or CaveTrustees again.
When you need your CaveBuddy to help you to recover/reset your DataCave Master password, you need to contact them and ask them to initiate the “CaveBuddy Password Help” facility from within their own DataCave app.

To do this you can make an in-app request from your DataCave app using the Request Help button in the CaveBuddy option in Settings, or you can just contact your CaveBuddy directly and ask them to initiate the “CaveBuddy Password Help” facility within their own app.
If you receive a request for “CaveBuddy Password Help”, the first thing you should do is to verify that the request is bona fide and coming from your CaveBuddy.

Once you are satisfied that the request is valid, you can provide help by signing into your own DataCave app (to verify your identity) and then to request the “Password Recovery” facility to be activated for the CaveBuddy requesting help.

A One Time Passcode (OTP) is then sent by email to the requestor who has to input this OTP into their DataCave app.
A One Time Passcode (OTP) is then sent by email to you. You should then input this OTP into your app. This will allow the requestor to access and reset their password.
The CaveTrustee facility is not yet available. It will be soon - watch this space!
If one of your iOS devices has been lost or stolen, then take all the normal safety precautions advised by Apple.
Use the built-in functionality provided by iCloud’s “Find My Phone” service to remotely wipe the device. For more information please refer to this article https://support.apple.com/kb/PH2701?locale=en_US

If you remotely wipe your device, then this will also automatically apply to the DataCave app on that device and the data it contains. You do not then need to do anything specific in relation to DataCave.

It is also worth noting however that, even if you are unable to do this, all data in the DataCave app is, in any event, encrypted at all times and can only be de-encrypted and accessed by you.

There is a second option available to you if DataCave is installed (and your account registered) on more than one device. In this case, you can remotely delete the lost or stolen device from your DataCave account from your other device. This will clear your DataCave account and your data from just that device. See FAQ on How do I delete a Device?
Go to the Settings page.

Select Account.
On the Account page, select the Delete option.
You will then be asked to type:
“I want to delete my account and all my data on all my registered devices”
You need to type this statement exactly. If the red Delete button does not light up, please check what you have typed in detail.
Then, once the Delete Button has lit up, confirm the delete request.

Your account and all of your data will then be deleted immediately.
The DataCave app will remain on the device, but will not be registered to a DataCave account. You can then set up a new account or you can delete the app in the normal way.

Note: If you have DataCave registered to the same account on your other devices, then these accounts and their data will also be deleted.

Subscriptions and cancellations

To subscribe to the DataCave app you must have created an account, by completing the quick and easy sign up in the app.

When you open the app, go to the Settings menu and select Subscriptions. Click on this link and the subscription page will display, with a Subscribe button. Click on the button and this will open the app store login page (where you may be asked to input your App Store password (not your DataCave app password, which should be different).

You will then be shown the DataCave subscription information and the App Store will ask you to confirm your purchase.

You will then be shown confirmation of your purchase and will then return to the Subscription page in the DataCave app, which will confirm that you have successfully subscribed and you now have full access to all the feaures of the DataCave app.
Yes, you can bring your subscription over to other devices.

You will need to ensure you are logged into the same App Store account (e.g. Apple ID or Google Play account) and using the same email address that you use on your primary device.
In compliance with our data privacy policy, your DataCave account will be automatically deleted from our systems on the next subscription renewal date following your subscription cancellation.

Please note that access to your account will then be permanently disabled. You can delete your data before this by deleting your DataCave account in Settings > Account.
Your subscription is managed by the app store from where you downloaded the DataCave app. In order to cancel your subscription, you will have to navigate to your app store, whether that’s the iTunes App Store or Google Play Store, and follow their steps on cancelling subscriptions.

You can also update your payment method through the app store.

Please be aware that deleting the app won't cancel the subscription, you will still need to cancel the subscription through the relevant app store.